I don't think you can buy energen rolls anymore I have'nt seen them for years, I used to love them as a Kid, they were like eating fresh air with butter, great, bring them back.
Hi, They were made by Energen Foods who also used to make gorgeous cheese flavoured crispbread. They were fabulous, and were around through the late 60.s and early 70,s. Best tasting crispbread ever!
The population of Energen is 2,008.
Energen's population is 1,530.
Energen was created in 1979.
The population of Energen Resources Corporation is 400.
Energen Resources Corporation was created in 1998.
The symbol for Energen Corporation in the NYSE is: EGN.
A baker or a bakery, though bread and rolls can be baked in the home.
Yes, rolls are in the bread group.
Rolls or bread rolls.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Energen Corporation (EGN) is $6,479,027,290.08.