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Abou Bakr was the prophet companion during his migration to Medina (Madinah in Arabic). Abou Bakr was the first Caliph (Muslim State ruler) after prophet Muhammad death in year 632 AD.

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Muhammad's closest friend and ally, Abu Bakr, was the man to accompany him during the migration to Medina.

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Q: Who accompanied the Holy Prophet in migration to Medina?
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Medina is holy because it is the home of our prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him.

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Medina is important to us Muslims because it is the holy city of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

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Why do Muslims migrate to Medina?

The Prophet (P.B.U.H) migrated to Medina because in Mecca he was tortured, both physically and mentally by the people living there. Through the"Pledges Of Aqabah" he found out that the people of Medina were more friendly towards him and wanted him to be their leader. The migration enabled the Muslims to worship freely and from Medina Islam spread rapidly.

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yes it was because hazart mohammed is are holy prophet and the last one

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Medisan A2. Medina is the holy city where the Prophet Muhammad is buried. Mecca is the other Holy City in Saudi Arabia.

What do Mecca and Medina mean?

Mecca and Medina are sacred and holy sites to the Muslims.the final prophet Muhammed peace be upon him was born in mecca and died in medina.muslims go there one every year to perform hajj.

What is Muslim holy country?

No country is holy in Islam. However, Saudi Arabia has two holy places; namely Kaaba surrounded by the Grand mosque (in Mecca or Makkah) and The prophet mosque (AlMasjid Alnabawi) in Medina (or Almadinah).

What is the holy city of lslam?

The first holy city in Islam is Mecca (or Makkah) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Kaaba, the first God worship building on earth, is located in Mecca.The second holy city is Medina (where is the Prophet Mosque and where the prophet is buried).The third holy city in Islam is Jerusalem where there is Al-Aqsa Mosque-ELO-

What is his Hijra?

The holy prophet (peace be upon him) migrate to madina in 622 A.D.He was accompanied by his faithful friend hazrat abu bakar(RZ).

What were causes of migration to Yasrib?

The idea of migration was born in the heart of the Holy Prophet(SAW) after the pledges of Aqabah. The people of Makkah hated and despised the Holy Prophet(SAW). The Holy Prophet(SAW) had struggled against his enemies for 30 years but it seemed that these people would not accept the right path until extreme struggle was made. He was well aware of the fact that the people involved in prejudice, superstition and ignorance would not abandon their beliefs and ways easily and that it would take extremist struggle to bring them on the right path.The people of Makkah struggled a lot to cease the expansion of Islam because this meant a threat to their beliefs and cultures they had been following from many years. So this necessitated the migration to Yasrib where people were willing to accept the Holy Prophet(SAW) in their city.