The odd one out is an eel. It is a fish, and therefore a vertebrate, whereas the others are all invertebrates.
lobsters, shrimp ,crab,barnacles,water fleas
lobster is your answer!!
Some examples include: shrimp, crab, lobster, barncles, and prawns.
Shrimp, crab, and lobster :)
A crustacean of the order Decapoda, such as a shrimp, crab, or lobster.
Yes he likes crab,shrimp,lobster,tuna,fish and squid
Yes! And so is shrimp and lobster.
* lobster * shrimp * clams * oysters * crab * scallops
shrimp, crab, lobster next to the shore most common
fish, shrimp, opihi, seaweed, crab, lobster, shark, and raw fish.