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universal motor

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Q: Which type of motor is use in vacuum cleaner?
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Related questions

What type of energy does a vacuum use?

A vacuum cleaner typically uses electrical energy to power its motor, which creates the suction needed to pick up dirt and debris. Vacuum cleaners do not use the concept of a vacuum in physics to operate.

What forms of energy does a vacuum use?

A vacuum cleaner uses electrical energy to power the motor that creates suction to collect dirt and debris. The suction power created by the motor allows the vacuum cleaner to efficiently clean surfaces by removing particles and dust.

What is the best motor to use for a Van De Graff generator?

Most people use old vacuum cleaner motors.

What are the applications of an AC motor?

Most of the motors are AC. Fans, Mixer, Industrial equipment, Aircon, vacuum cleaner, plenty of applications use AC motor

What is the best type of vacuum to use on a pebble tec pool?

The Great White pool cleaner

How do you use a vacuum cleaner in specific steps and or directions on how?

You use the vacuum cleaner according to the instructions provided on the user manual.

What size bag does a Hoover Runabout use?

Type A bag. It's listed on the back of the vacuum cleaner.

What kind of energy does a vacuum use?

A vacuum cleaner typically uses electrical energy to power the motor that creates suction. It does not use the concept of a vacuum in terms of energy, but rather refers to the absence of air or matter in the cleaning process.

What source of energy does a vacuum use?

A vacuum cleaner typically uses electricity as its source of energy to create suction for cleaning. The motor within the vacuum converts electrical energy into mechanical energy to power the suction mechanism.

How can water get into a vacuum cleaner?

Water can get into a vacuum cleaner if it is used to clean up wet spills or if the vacuum cleaner is not designed to handle wet debris. When water enters the vacuum, it can damage the motor and electrical components, potentially causing the vacuum cleaner to stop working. It is important to always check the manufacturer's guidelines to determine if the vacuum cleaner is safe for wet use.

What kind of energy does a vacuum cleaner use?


How do you find a vacuum leak on a 94 Saturn?

Use carb cleaner or brake cleaner.