Luna sometomes lunar Diana is also the name for the roman goddess of the moon
Venus was Aphrodite's Roman equivalent.
Diana was the Roman goddess of the hunt and the wilderness. Her Greek counterpart was Artemis.
The roman goddess, junius, which is also the goddess Juno in roman/greek mythologyThe month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera.
The Greek goddess of victory; also a shoe brand.
The Roman goddess of crafting and weaving was Minerva, who was also associated with wisdom, poetry, and strategic warfare. She was the equivalent of the Greek goddess Athena.
the roman goddess of wisdom was titled Minerva, also labeled the following Virgin goddess of poetry,medicine,wisdom,commerce,weaving,crafts,magic and the inventor of music. -Gen
The goddess, Terra, was the Roman goddess of personifying the earth. In Greek Mythology, she is also known as Gaea, or Mother Earth. She is the oldest Greek Goddess, and is the mother of the Titans, and the Giants.
Diana is a Roman Goddess. Diana is also a virgin goddess.
Eris is the goddess of discord. She is the goddess of strife.
The Roman goddess of wisdom and crafts, and also of battle stragedy and trade, was Minerva. Her Greek equivalent is Athena.
She was Hestia. She was also the goddess of the home. Her Roman name was Vesta.