(1) The ancient Roman religion.
(2) Shintoism.
(3) Probably many others too!
My dick gigglee
She worships Jesus.
they worship Robert mugabe..........
Monotheistic (they only worship Allah)
The Emperor Constantine in 314 AD
The roman emperor is not a god...
Constantine was the first emperor to *accept* Christianity but he did *not* make it the official religion of the Roman Empire. Constantine did put a stop to Christian persecution, returned Christian property from pagans and reduced support for pagan religion.On February 27 380 Theodosius I "... declared "Catholic Christianity" the only legitimate imperial religion, ending state support for the traditional Roman religion."This was over 40 years after Constantine had died.Christian persecutions still continued - those following other variants of it.
It is basically Hinduism and we worship our very own deity Sri Jagannath.
the customs are simple just like every other religon they worship a god.
calling for worship of the emperor
As a place of worship.