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The Kalma that appears in the holy Qur'an or the Companions of the holy Prophet (SAW) recited is the Kalma that the Sunnis recite. The Shias appeared much later, in the reign of Hazrat Ali rau. Even during the reign of Hazrat Ali rau the kalma was the same. The additions were made much later.

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Q: Which one is correct Sunni Kalma or Shia Kalma?
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Answer 1Sunni literally means who follow Sunnah (practice) of prophet Muhammad SAWW. but shia Muslims believe they are real sunni. according to shia Muslims any Muslim who does not believe in Imamat as one of five pillars of Islam is a sunni Muslim.

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Brave, It Doesn't matter if u are a Sunni or Shia ... We are one god Believers and Be good to others :)

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Hello sunni shia is haram be a muslim see dr.zakir naik please can u tell to which sects muhammad( pbuh) belongs to, I tell u one thing sects are maden by people.

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shia shiite shi'te shii'te shīʿah shi'ite shi'ites shias all are the same. all are for arabic word شيعه which means follower [of some one]/ sect. and in shia/sunni debates means "shia of Ali"