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Q: Which king of France declared there should be a chicken in every pot and encouraged education?
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What did France want to do after World War 2?

France entered WWII because of a defensive pact woth Poland. Because Germany declared War on Poland, France declared war on Germany. If Germany had declared war on France first, then Poland would have declared war on germany. -Feewet

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The Republic of Niger declared independence from France on August 3, 1960.

Who declared war on Germany on September the 3 1939?

September 1st 1939 Germany declared war on Poland. To honour the treaty between Poland, France and UK, France and UK declared war on Germany.

What happen after Germany invaded Poland in 1939?

France and Britain declared war on Germany.

Who declared himself king of France?

Indeed Napoleon declared himself "Emperor of the French" and not King of France, what wouldn't have been tolerated by French people.

Do they eat chicken in France?

Yes, most of the French eat chicken.

What was the date that Germany declared war on France?


In may 1756 who declared war on France?

The british

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What is the education like in France?

The Education Like In France Is Unknown ? & You'll Won't Be Able To Find It ! ;/

Who declared war on whom after Saratoga?

France along with Spain declared war on Great Britain after Saratoga.

Why did England and France declared war on September 3?

England and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939 because Germany had invaded Poland and both England and France were committed to support Poland.