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Q: Which is the secondary consumer in this food chain grass-grasshopper-frog-hawk?
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What do consumers do in the food chain?

In the the food chain, the secondary consumer eats the primary consumer and the tertiary consumer eats the secondaryconsumer.

What are animal called in a food chain?

Primary consumer, secondary consumer, main consumer

What is the 3 components in the food chain?


Is the regal tang a primary consumer or secondary consumer in the food chain?


What is the Leaf-cutter Ants place in the food chain?

In a food chain, the Leaf-cutter ant is the primary consumer or secondary consumer. It will eat the primary producer in the chain then is killed by the secondary consumer. On the other hand, the ant eats the primary consumer that feeds from the primary producer.

What is a food chain made of?

the food chain is made up of producer,primary consumer,secondary consumer and tertiary consumer

What is the fourth consumer in a food chain called?

The fourth consumer in a food chain is called a quaternary consumer. These organisms consume tertiary consumers that feed on secondary and primary consumers.

Where is the gray fox on the food chain?

The gray fox is a secondary consumer,

Can you give me ah sample of food chain?

A basic food chain starts with a primary producer and has a chain of primary, secondary, and tertiary predators. This would start with algae as the primary producer, minnows as the primary predator, sunfish as the secondary predator and pike as the tertiary predator.

How do you identify the components of a food chain in an ecosystem?

primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, quaterary consumer.

Is a tiger composer?

No, the tiger is a consumer, a secondary consumer in the food chain. Composer is not a trophic position on a food chain. Organisms are either producers, consumers or decomposers.

Where is the swift fox in the food chain?

The swift fox is a secondary consumer and an omnivore.