Technically, a salad is not a vegetable, although, a salad can consist of vegetables such as:cucumber, bell pepper, lettuce, tomatoes (unless you wanna' get technical and call it a fruit) etc.
fruits or to be really heathy have salad and vegetables
Vegetables are healthier! It has more iron, less sugars, and more fiber.
Cooked vegetables . Pasta salad
Salad is healthier than beef, yes.
Yes, salad vegetables are healthy foods. Not all salads, however, are considered "healthy" meals. It depends what you add to the salad vegetables.
In most cases unhealthier but, it tastes MUCHbetter
All the salad vegetables have less carbohydrates. The least containing is cauliflower. Others are mashrooms,cucumber,spinach(i.e salad vegetables)
Answer: Vegetarianism.Answer: A balance of meat and vegetables is healthier for the human race.
Salad is not a fruit. It is a variety of vegetables mixed together. Fruit salad, on the other hand, is a type of salad made of fruit.
serving with a mixed salad
It depends on what replaces the chicken.