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No. Use vegetable oil or corn oil. Since the only point of using oil in cooking is to stop the food from sticking to the pan, there is no real need for expensive or exotic oils. Though the type of oil used does influence the flavour, it depends mainly on the ingredients and the way you cook it. When all else fails, try it and see.

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13y ago
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13y ago

The best is pure canola oil. That's if you want good tasting food. so the best is pure canola oil.

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11y ago

grapeseed oil

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Q: Which is better for you Canola or Grape seed Oil?
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I wouldn't because the flavor is extremely strong, but if you absoultely want to dip your pinky in and try it, then to lower the intensity of it ad veg, canola, or grape seed oil

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What is the Indian name of grape seed oil?

In India grape seed oil is usually known by its Urdu name of Angoor Ka Beech.

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Grape seed oil, olive oil.

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Flax seed oil, linseed oil, sunflower seed oil, rice bran oil, grape seed oil.

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vinaigrette is a mixture of vinegar and oils like soybean oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil, safflower oil and grape seed oil. sometimes herbs and spices are used to flavor the vinaigrette

Is canola oil the same as corn syrup?

No, corn syrup is a syrup that is made from corn. Canola oil is an oil that originates from the seed of the rapeseed plant.

What is the difference between olive oil and grape seed oil?

Grape Seed Oil is processed from the seeds of grapes, which are formed as a by-product of wine making. Because each seed yields a small amount of oil, grape seed oil is usually extracted chemically. The chemical extraction does have an impact on the flavor of the oil, but it makes grape seed oil affordable for people who want to purchase it. The oil is known for being light in color and flavor, with a hint of nuttiness. It is a polyunsaturated oil, and contains beneficial compounds such as linoleic acid.Grape Seed Oil should not be confused with Rape Seed Oil. Rape seed oil is used in industrial settings and can be harmful if used as a food oil. A variant of Rape seed oil that is taken from specially developed cultivars with low erucic acid content in their seed oil is recognized as safe for use as a food grade oil in the US and in the EU. It is usually known as canola oil.

What oil is good for hair?

Grape seed oil avacado oil shay butter

Is grape seed oil subject to spontaneous heating?


What edible seed is also used in oil production?

One common edible seed that is also used in oil production is the sunflower seed. Sunflower seeds can be eaten roasted or raw and are also pressed to extract oil, which is commonly used for cooking and in various food products.