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The vegetable oil is more dense than ethanol. Vegetable has a density of around 0.9 g/cm3, which varies very slightly depending on the oil. The density of ethanol is 0.789 g/cm3

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Q: Which has more density vegetable oil or ethanol?
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What liquid has a density less than water?

One example of a liquid with a density less than water is vegetable oil. This means that a given volume of vegetable oil will weigh less than the same volume of water.

What solids float in oil?

In order for something to float in vegetable oil, its density must be lower than the density of the vegetable oil. The density of vegetable oil varies, but is usually around 910g/liter, while water has a density of 1000g/liter. Any object with less than 910g/liter, or 0.91g/cm^3 will float in the vegetable oil.

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vegatable oil sit flat on top of water because of density. Density of vegetable oil is more then water .Hence oil float

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There would be two layers present. One layer would consist of a water-ethanol mixture. The other layer would be the vegetable oil. This occurs because water and ethanol are both polar and can participate in hydrogen bonding. Therefore, they are miscible in each other. However, vegetable oil is non polar and will not mix with either ethanol or water.

What is the desity of vegetable oil?

Density does not depend on the volume - so the answer is the same for 1 tablespoon or 1 gallon. Since there is a great deal of variability in vegetable oils, an exact answer is not possible. However, most would be in the 0.91 - 0.93 g/mL range. This is slightly less than water, which is why vegetable oil floats on top. If you need to determine the exact density - measure out a specific volume and determine the mass using a balance. The mass divided by the volume is the density.

What pollutes water the more vegetable oil or olive oil?

Vegetable oil

Can you mix oil and ethanol?

Yes, oil and ethanol are not soluble with each other, meaning they will not fully mix together. When combined, they will form two separate layers, with the oil floating on top due to its lower density.

What liquid has a relative density of 0.9?

Vegetable oil typically has a relative density around 0.9.

What is biofuel made from?

Vegetable Oil is used to make biodiesel, and corn is used to make ethanol for a gasoline substitute.

Is vegetable oil denser than mouthwash?

Oil has a density of about 0.8 - 0.9. Mouthwash (which is naminly water) has a density of about 1. So no, mouthwash is denser.

Is oil denser than milk?

yes, because vegetable oil has a density of .92g/cm3 while milk has a density of 1.1 g/cm3

Why does ammonia dissolve motor oil better than vegetable oil?

Ammonia dissolves better in motor oil than in vegetable oil because motor oil is more immiscible than vegetable oil. Also, motor oil molecules are more non-polar than vegetable oil.