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They are both all natural & excellent protein for the hair and you can alternate between the two. To avoid "over-proteinizing" the hair, use the mayo or egg treatment no more than once every 3-4 weeks.

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15y ago
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14y ago
The difference is, that the yoke of an egg is round and yellow and the whites of an egg are yellowish clear liquidy.

p.s. go to wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you'll find out more! :)

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13y ago

They are both the healthiest when eaten together.

Although the yolk of the egg contains the most fat and cholesterol, it also contains nearly all of the most healthy components as well. In fact if you take a multi-vitamin supplement each day, you would be much better off eating one egg yolk a day instead. In reality if you are only eating egg whites for the protein, you should also know that egg whites also contain an anti-nutrient called avidin. Avidin is a glycoprotein that binds to the B vitamin biotin, preventing its absorption. Biotin is necessary for fatty acid synthesis and the maintenance of blood sugar, and is especially important during pregnancy when biotin status declines.

Egg yolks also contain the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid DHA, which is necessary for the brain and proper retinal function in the eye, and the long-chain omega-6 fatty acid arachidonic acid, which is required for the healthy skin, hair, libido, reproduction, growth and response to injury. While fatty fish and cod liver oil supply DHA in larger amounts, egg yolks have an advantage over these foods because they also contain arachidonic acid and because they do not contain EPA, which interferes with arachidonic acid metabolism.

So, even though the white of the egg has the most protein and lowest cholesterol, it is the yolk that contains all the required components to correctly absorb those proteins and actually prevent Cholesterol from the egg, and other foods, from having any negative effect.

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13y ago

Egg yolk is better than the white part of the egg because the yolk has all the protein in it.<3

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14y ago

white and yoke. cooked to be white and uncooked and stired will be yoke

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14y ago

Egg white i.e. albumin is full of protien.On the other hand yolk have high fats.

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14y ago

the yellow part.

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12y ago

Egg yolk has more calcium than egg white.

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Is the yolk inside the egg or outside?

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Which is correct to say the yolk of the egg are white The yolk of the egg is white?

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The yolk has far more calories than the egg white. In one large chicken egg, forexample, there are approximately 16-17 calories in the egg white and approximately 54-55 calories in the egg yolk.

Which has more calories egg yolk or egg white?

The yolk has far more calories that the egg white. For the calories in egg yolk, the calories in egg white, and the calories in whole eggs, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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Egg yolk is thicker than egg white.

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the egg yolk

Why does an egg yolk have more cholesterol than the egg white?

An egg yolk contains approximately 2.7 grams of protein. An egg white contains around 3.6 grams of protein. In egg white the egg albumin is in majority. In egg yolk it is lipoproteins. The numbers represent hen's egg analysis.

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the yolk! yolk

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Neither. Egg Yolks are yellow.

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Neither. Egg Yolks are yellow.

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Albumen is the egg white

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