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Papain enzyme found in papaya is the best appetizer as well as when consumed raw helps in emulsification of fat as well. Avocados too are good in this regard. Try Lime with warm water right in the morning when you wake up. It's the best remedy as well.

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Watermelon is a fruit that is full of water and other nutrients. Papaya is also full of nutrients. Either is a great choice for losing weight.

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Q: Which fruit is suitable for weight loss?
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One can find herbs suitable for aiding weight loss on the MindBodyGreen website where they have a suggestion of 3 herbs that can help. Mercola also has a list of herbs.

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Any type of vegatables and fruit can help with weight loss, but the key to weight loss is exercise, and a healthy diet. So just don't eat too many fats or carbs.

What is the healthiest fruit that could be eaten to lose weight?

For weight loss, it would be low carbohydrate fruits such as berries.

Where can I find more information on weight loss before ?

You can consult your physician for healthy weight loss options. Since your doctor should know your body best he can recommend a plan suitable to your needs.

What fruits help weight loss?

It doesn't really work that way. What you need to do in order to lose weight is to reduce your calorie intake. So if youy were to replace a really fatty and/or sugary snack (like a cupcake) with one fruit instead, then any fruit will help with weight loss. But fruit has calories too, so if you eat too many of them, your calorie intake stays high, and you won't lose any weight. No fruit will make your body shed fat faster.

Does fruit cause weight loss faster than vegetables?

To be honest I don't think fruit helps AS MUCH as vegatables. However with combo of both and excersise you could probably lose weight fast.

What are the most highly recommended fat loss plans?

Most highly recommended weight loss programs are ones that allow you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Speaking to a physician would be very beneficial regarding finding a weight loss plan that is suitable to your needs.

What are some names of weight loss pills?

Such as ZI XIU TANG Beauty Face & Figure Capsule,originated from traditional Chinese medical theory of "drug and food sharing the same source" Japan Rapid Weight Loss Diet Pills, loss 2 pounds a day (Made in Japan )------ Most Effective Way To Lose Weight Fruit & Plant Weight Loss Capsules can help you reduce weight, main cancellation belly, hip, arm and can remove the rebound thoroughly, if you like the fruit, then this kind pill will be your best choice.

How quickly can you lose weight if you only eat fruit?

You may or may not lose weight. For certain groups of people, eating a significant amount of fruit, or certain types of fruit, can hinder weight loss. For more information, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Which quick weight loss diets actually work?

Breakfast: 2 bowled eggs with milk Lunch: 1 glass Juice with salad Dinner: Fruit and half plate for rice and exercise is also important for loss weight.