

Which companies produce cake mix?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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10y ago

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Cake mix is a very popular commodity. Many food companies produce ready made cake mix. Pillsbury and Betty Crocker are two well known producers and many stores make their own house brand cake mixes.

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Q: Which companies produce cake mix?
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How many cups is 9 oz of cake mix?

One cake mix will produce a perfect large cake in regular angel food pan.

Can i substitute white cake mix for yellow cake mix?

White cake mix cannot be substituted directly for angel food cake mix. The two products have different ingredients that produce different types of cakes. However, if it is only important to have a white cake, and an angel food cake is not specifically required, then you could bake a white cake with a white cake mix instead of trying to make an angel food cake.

Will adding all purpose flour to a standard cake mix affect taste?

No, adding additional all purpose flour to a standard cake mix would not affect the taste as much as it would affect the texture and produce a heavy cake that might not rise properly.

If you bak ea cake or any other kind of food or anything you will like to bake for my examole im baking a cake the Cake Mix-Heat is the reactants-the heat is to then when you cakemix on hitit is cake.?

If you mix the cake mix and follow the directions on the box to bake it, then the heat will cause the cake batter to react and produce a baked cake. The same is true for other foods that one bakes, the heat reacts with the ingredients and causes the change that produces a finished product.

What is the main purpose of a mixer?

cake to mix cakes. concrete to mix concrete audio to mix various audio signals mixer valve, to tune the radio and to produce a signal for IF amplification.

What is more fattening cake or cake mix?

They are essentially the same thing. A cake is just what is the result of baking cake mix. Each is about euqally as unhealthy for you as the other is.

What happens if you don't mix cake mix?

The cake will not taste the way it is supposed to.

How many boxes of cake mix for 16in by 4in round cake?

It depends on the depth of the pan

What are the function of mixer?

cake to mix cakes. concrete to mix concrete audio to mix various audio signals mixer valve, to tune the radio and to produce a signal for IF amplification.

How many mini cupcake does a cake mix make?

well if you use Betty cake mix you can make 24 mini cupcakes

When do you need to stop mixing cake mix?

You need to stop when it looks like the dry cake mix is mixed in all the way or stop when the cake mix is creamy.

What is yellow cake mix?

It is pretty much a plain cake mix that doesn't contain an extra flavor. It is called yellow not plain because there are two types of plain, white and yellow. The difference is that white uses only egg white while yellow uses the yolks. There is also a slight difference in the type of flour used. Also a white cake taste a lot better & is loved more than a yellow cake but both of them are very good. --------------------------------------------------- If you were baking from scratch the yellow colour would come from whole eggs or extra egg yolks, and butter. A white cake would use shortening instead of butter and maybe only egg whites.