Willy Wonka you can make sure by reading the book charlie and the chocolate factory
Cadbury brothers
Chocolate tacos
John and Benjamin Cadbury .
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was directed by Tim Burton. The movie was sponsored and made by Warner Brothers.
I have this book about the Jonas brothers! It has profiles of each brother and a mini one of Frankie, it only asks Joe what is his favorite chocolate/candy is and he said "An Aero a British favorite"
He loved to eat Chocolate cake for breakfast.
Neil Young
brothers can be sweet sometimes, my brother gives me chocolate <3
The Jonas Brothers...They debated about calling themselves Sons of Jonas but one day at a concert they introduced themselves as the Jonas Brothers and it kind of just stuck.
for one thing who doesnt like chocolate that's not alergic to it so most likely yes they do btw u spelled chocolate wrong.