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Many birds can lay a double yolk egg. Chickens,ducks and turkeys all will occasionally lay a double yolk egg. Double yolk eggs will not hatch.

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i think chick

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Q: Which bird egg has two yolks?
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Related questions

What are the chances of finding an egg with two yolks?

The chances of finding an egg with two yolks are relatively rare, occurring in about 1 in every 1,000 eggs.

How rare is it to find two yolks in one egg?

Finding two yolks in one egg is relatively rare, occurring in about 1 in every 1,000 eggs.

In baking if one egg has two yolks does it count as two eggs?

No, it counts as one egg.

Why do some eggs have two yolks?

Some eggs have two yolks because two yolks were released from the hen's ovaries at the same time and ended up in the same egg.

How many medium egg yolks make one large?

Two medium egg yolks can be used to make one large yolk.

How many calories in 2 egg yolks?

There are:216 - 220 calories in the yolks of two large eggs..

How rare is it to find 2 yolks in one egg?

Finding two yolks in one egg is relatively rare, occurring in about 1 in every 1,000 eggs.

How can I separate two egg yolks from one egg efficiently?

One efficient way to separate two egg yolks from one egg is to crack the egg into a bowl, then use an empty plastic bottle to gently squeeze and release the bottle over the egg yolk. The yolk will be sucked up into the bottle, leaving the egg white behind in the bowl.

What rhymes with folks?

yolks - like egg yolks

Are egg yolks healthy?

Yes! The yolks have nutrition and energy for you.

Why chicken egg got two yoks?

Double yolks are not that rare. Double yolks are a result of two ovum being released to the hens oviduct at the same time.

What does a double yoke mean?