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selling grain :)

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Q: Which activity is not associated with grain elevators?
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Related questions

Where grains are stored?

Grains are stored in silos and warehouse as well as grain elevators.

How is bulk grain stored and transported now that grain elevators seem to be outdated?

Larger less frequent grain elevators.

Why are grain elevators more significant to the prairies?

Grains are grown on the prairies. The grain is stored in grain elevators before being shipped to a company that grinds the grain into flour.

What has the author Hugh Boyd written?

Hugh Boyd has written: 'New breaking' -- subject(s): Cooperation, Cooperative Grain elevators, Grain elevators, Cooperative, Grain trade

Does Wichita Kansas have grain elevators?


Who made Grain Elevators famous?

CPR, or the Canadian Pacific Railway.

What are uses for elevators?

The whole point of the grain elevator is to get the grain from the truck to the train, while in the process of cleaning and testing it.

Elevators are used for what use?

The whole point of the grain elevator is to get the grain from the truck to the train, while in the process of cleaning and testing it.

What has the author John W Sharp written?

John W. Sharp has written: 'Planning local elevator feed mill facilities' -- subject(s): Feed mills, Grain elevators, Planning 'The impact of vessel size on an optimal system of U.S. grain export facilities' -- subject(s): Economies of scale, Grain trade, Merchant ships 'Price spreads for corn and oats' -- subject(s): Corn, Oats, Prices 'Cost of storing, handling, merchandising grain at Ohio country elevators' -- subject(s): Costs, Grain elevators, Grain trade

What was established so that farmers could grade and sell their crops?

Grain-storage elevators

What has the author B A Wallace written?

B. A Wallace has written: 'Financial operations of Ohio farmer owned elevators during the fiscal year 1942-43' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Cooperative, Cooperative Agriculture, Grain elevators, Grain trade

What is Saskatchewan famous for?

its famous for being the largest wheat producer, farming and their amazing grain elevators