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Zambezi Zambezi

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Q: Which Zimbabwe beer is named after a river?
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Which Zimbabwe beer is named arter a river?


What seas or rivers around Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe is bordered to the north by the Zambezi River and to the south by the Limpopo River.

What is the river separating south Africa from Zimbabwe?

The Zambezi River forms the northern border of Zimbabwe.

What river is between Zimbabwe and south Africa?

The river that is between South Africa and Zimbabwe is Limpopo. The Limpopo river starts in Botswana and empties in the Indian Ocean.

In West Africa and west central Africa two countries have almost the same name they were named after a river What are the countries and the river?

The countries are Niger and Nigeria, both named for the Niger River. Farther south, there are the confusing names Republic of the Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo (both on the Congo River). There are also Zambia and Zimbabwe on the Zambezi River.

What countrie is Victoria falls in?

It's on the border of Zambia & Zimbabwe, on the Zambeisei river.

What is Zimbabwe's major landforms?

*Save River *Runde River

The river which forms the northern border of Zimbabwe is the?

The river that forms the north border of Zimbabwe is the Limpopo River. It also forms the border between South Africa and Zimbabwe as well as part of the borders between South Africa and Botswana and Mozambique.

The river which forms the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia is the?

The Zambezi boarders Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The river witch forms the border between Zimbabwe and south Africa is the?

the river that forms the border between south america and zimbabwe is Limpopo.

In which country is the Victoria Falls located?

Victoria Falls is located in Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is a famous waterfall on the Zambezi River, and the border between these two Southern African countries runs through the falls.

What bodies of water are found in Zimbabwe?

The most prominent lakes in Zimbabwe are Lake Kariba (which is the world's largest man made lake), Lake Mutirikwi, Lake Chivero and Lake Manyame.