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Most good supermarkets will sell live yogurt. Tesco sell it.

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Q: Where to find live yogurt?
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Why does dead yogurt keep longer than live yogurt?

It's got bacteria in live yogurt

How many kinds of bacteria could you find in yogurt?

Yogurt bacteria

Can eating yogurt treat BV?

You can eat the yogurt or put it directly into the vagina. Be sure the yogurt has the live cultures.

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If you freeze yogurt will the live active cultures still be good?

The live culture in the yogurt does not die when frozen, it becomes dormant instead. After you thaw or eat the yogurt, the dormant culture comes back to life.The amount of 'live culture' in commercially sold 'frozen yogurt' may only be a fraction of culture compared to regular yogurt. It has to do with the manufacturing process, and not the effect of temperature.The 'live culture' does die when the yogurt is heated. Heat treated or pasteurized yogurt have no live culture.I am from India. I always make Dahi (yogurt) at home. I whip and freeze a part of yogurt to start next batch. I thaw out the frozen yogurt in the refrigerator, whip it and use it as a starter for the next batch. When the yogurt is frozen, it does lose the texture. That's is the reason i whip the yogurt before freezing and after thawing.

What is a bioyogurt?

A bioyogurt is another term for a probiotic yogurt, a yogurt which contains live bacteria for therapeutic reasons.

What is unique about yogurt?

Yogurt is unique because it contains friendly bacteria which are really good for your stomach and digestive system. Also yogurt can help you live longer

Is the yogurt alive?

No, bacteria inside it is alive but the yogurt itself is not, so no yogurt is not alive. Some people may think that it is, but yogurt is dairy that contains edibal bacteria, but the dairy, witch is the yogurt, is not accually alive.

How much yogurt is in a lifetime supply?

depends on how long you live

Which is healthier natural youghurt or fruit yogurt?

Yes, fresh fruit is generally very good for you and so is yoghurt (though not too much of the latter). Natural yoghurt is better than standard yoghurt, and 'live' yoghurt is better than natural (though you can get live and natural, which is even better).

Is yogurt a good bacteria?

Yes, yogurt contains beneficial bacteria called probiotics, which are known to support gut health and boost the immune system. Consuming yogurt with live and active cultures can help maintain a healthy balance of gut flora.

Does frozen yogurt contain probiotics?

No. Frozen yogurt does not contain the active cultures (probotics) that non frozen yogurt has. If it has acidophilus listed in the ingredients, or if it lists live active cultures, then it has probiotics. But this is only in yogurt in the refrigerated dairy section, not the frozen kind.