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You can buy Acini De Pepe on a website called

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Q: Where to buy acini di pepe pasta?
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· acini di pepe (Italian pasta)

What is 'acini di pepe' when translated from Italian to English?

Acini di pepe in Italian means "peppercorns" in English.

Where did Acini de Pepe come from?

Italy. Acini di pepe means " peppercorns" in Italian

Foods that begin with an a?

Acini di pepe pasta, acorn squash, anchovies, angel hair pasta, apple, applesauce, apricot, artichoke, asparagus and avocado are food.

What food words begin with A?

Acini di pepe pasta and almonds are dry foods.

What is some food that starts with a?

Acini di pepe pasta, acorn squash, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, anchovies, angel hair pasta, apple, applesauce, apricot, artichoke, asparagus and avocado are food. They begin with the letter a,

What are some food starting with the letter A?

Acini di pepe pasta, acorn squash, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, anchovies, angel hair pasta, apple, applesauce, apricot, artichoke, asparagus and avocado are food. They begin with the letter a,

Foods and drinks that start with the letter a?

Acini di pepe pasta, acorn squash, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, anchovies, angel hair pasta, apple, applesauce, apricot, artichoke, asparagus and avocado are food. They begin with the letter a,

What is acini di pepe pasta?

I use acini di pepe pasta to make a cold fruit type pasta. The package I use is made by DaVinci, of Italy. Is is made of 100 % durum wheat semolina, what ever duram wheat is. Didn't look that up. The pasta is a really tiny circular macaroni type stuff, about 1/4th of an inch in length, with a hold about the size of a pin. Adding to boiling water, it takes 4-6 minutes to cook, so not a very sizeable item. Good to stretch a fruit salad.

What are some Foods beginning w letter A?

Acini di pepe pasta, acorn squash, alfalfa sprouts, almonds, anchovies, angel hair pasta, apple, applesauce, apricot, artichoke, asparagus and avocado are food. They begin with the letter a,

What food's or drink's begin with the letter A?

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