

Where is the food ingested?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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13y ago

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Where your food GoesYour food goes down the esophagus to your stomach to your small intestine , follow by the large intestine. Well after you will poo or pee it out! To do that it takes 45 hours!
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13y ago
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14y ago

The effects of food on your body range greatly. All foods do supply energy, and some more than others. Foods like chips and candy give the body a short energy burst. THey also contain more unhealthy fat than most other foods. Healthier foods such as whole grain bread, vegtables and fruits give you a steadier supply of energy and nutrition such as viamins, minerals and other things that will help your body stay clean and healthy.

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15y ago

you move your teeth up and down yes it's called chewing then you swallow and it goes down your throat thats what happens when you put food in your mouth

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10y ago

Your body begins to break it down, absorbing the nutrients from it, what it does not use is expelled as waste.

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13y ago

Food is ingested in the mouth. It is the start of the alimentary canal.

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11y ago

when we consume food it gets digested therefore food is a chemical energy, which gets converted to kinetic.

by A & E :)

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12y ago

enzymes break down food particles

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