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Blackberries are widespread the main species that are common around hte world are native to Northern Europe and into Asia.

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Canada, in a small town called Waterloo.

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Q: Where is the blackberry plant native to?
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What is an Armenian blackberry?

An Armenian blackberry is an alternative name for a Himalayan blackberry, a blackberry species, Latin name Rubus armeniacus, native to Southwest Asia.

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What is a blackberry plant adaptation?

I dongt kmow

What part of the world is the blackberry fruit native to?

The fruit known as the blackberry is native to the United States. It can be found in the Eastern, Pacific and Southern areas of the country. It is a reddish-purple to black fruit.

What is a blackberry lily?

A blackberry lily is an ornamental plant, Iris domestica, which blooms in summer and early autumn.

What plants are in the coastal plain?

The Blackberry plant and Dandelions.

What does a veitchberry look like?

Veitchberry is a hybrid between a rasberry and a blackberry. The plant grows like a blackberry. The fruit is similar in appearence to a blackberry. It tastes like a rasberry.

Can you plant a blackberry bush in the fall in zone 7?

no you can't

Are Blackberries herbs?

The leaves of the blackberry plant are used in herbalism, but not the berries.

What month to plant blackberry plant?

Blackberry plants are typically planted in the early spring, after the last frost has passed. This can vary depending on your specific climate and location, but generally aim to plant blackberries when the soil is workable and temperatures are consistently above freezing.

What is an alien plant?

An alien plant is any plant that is not native to a region. For example, a plant from Asia is considered an alien or non-native in the United States.

When was California Native Plant Society created?

California Native Plant Society was created in 1965.