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In the Midd West, U.S.A

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Q: Where is most of the world's corn grown?
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What country does most of the worlds supply of corn come from?

The United States produces over half of the corn grown in the world, and all of the popcorn in the world.

How much corn is grown in America?

Most of the corn grown in America is used for livestock feed. Forty Percent of the world's corn crop comes from America.

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in madagascar

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Which city in Iowa grows the most corn?

None. The corn is grown on farms, not in the cities.

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The US' most widely grown crop is?

Corn (maize)

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Where is cornflakes grown?

Cornflakes come from corn, corn is grown in Kansas.

What happens to most of the corn grown in the united stated?

it is fed to animals

Where are most of the wheat and corn grown?

inAlberta, there is the most, along with Saskatchewan and a bit of B.C.