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The supposed meeting between Muhammad and Gabriel is not recounted in the Qur'an, since the Qur'an is not actually a story of Muhammad's life, but rather the moral lessons that God wanted to impart to the world through Muhammad. Discussions of Muhammad's encounters with Gabriel are recounted in numerous Hadiths and the Sirat An-Nabi (Biography of Muhammad).

As for the physical location where Muhammad is said to have met Gabriel, this was the CAVE AT MOUNT HIRA, in modern-day Saudi Arabia.

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Q: Where in the Koran does Gabriel meet with Mohammed?
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WHere in the Koran does Gabriel meet Mohammed?

The supposed meeting between Muhammad and Gabriel is not recounted in the Qur'an, since the Qur'an is not actually a story of Muhammad's life, but rather the moral lessons that God wanted to impart to the world through Muhammad. Discussions of Muhammad's encounters with Gabriel are recounted in numerous Hadiths and the Sirat An-Nabi (Biography of Muhammad).As for the physical location where Muhammad is said to have met Gabriel, this was the CAVE AT MOUNT HIRA, in modern-day Saudi Arabia.

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Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h.

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Muslims.The prophet is called Mohammed.

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The angel Gabriel first revealed the Koran to Muhammad in a?

In the cave of Hiraa.

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no. Muslim religion comes from Judeo-Christianity. According to the Koran, the angel Jibril (Gabriel) revealed it to Mohammed. Of course, Judeo-Christianity comes fromZoroastrianism which does have some roots in Vedic Hinduism, so there is a connection of sorts.

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Mohammed Nekroumi has written: 'Modern controversies in Qur'anic studies' -- subject(s): Koran, Criticism, interpretation, Congresses, Arabic language, History

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Prophet Mohamed got the Quran from God through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril).