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In molecular clouds, such as the Orion Nebula.

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Laurence Aufderhar

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Q: Where in our galaxy does most star formation take place?
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How is the formation of your galaxy like the formation of a star?

Mainly in that gravity is involved in both cases.

What is a starburst galaxy?

A Starburst Galaxy is a galaxy with an exceptionally high rate of star formation, compared to other galaxies.Galaxies usually have a burst of star formation after a collision or close encounter between two galaxies.Because of the rate of star formation and the amount of available hydrogen, starburst galaxies are presumed to be temporary.M82 (Cigar Galaxy) is a well known starburst galaxy [See related link]

Where in the Milky Way Galaxy Is The Star Formation Occurring?

I said WHERE?!

What are facts about irregular galaxy?

the ellipitical galaxy is the hottiest galaxy

Will another star form in your galaxy?

For sure. The current rate of star formation is about one a year.

Where would you find the brightest part of a galaxy?

Most of the times, the brightest part of the galaxy is at the ceentre due the higher density of stars .Also if the galaxy is a spiral then the brightest part of the galaxy are the spiral arms because they are the star formation areas in the galaxy

Which type of galaxy is probably a young galaxy?

The "real" answer is a protogalaxy or primeaval galaxy as these are the first stages in the formation of a galaxy.However, it's more than likely, the question has to do with new star formation, in which case, it will be a spiral galaxy (but the galaxy is not young) Our galaxy - the Milky Way - is about 13.2 billion years old - almost as old as the Universe itself.

What is the effects of powerful jet to the nearby galaxy?

A powerful jet emitted by a black hole can have significant effects on a nearby galaxy. It can heat up the gas in the galaxy, disrupt star formation, trigger the formation of new stars, and even expel gas from the galaxy, influencing its evolution and morphology.

What is the shape of a small galaxy with older stars very little dust and a bright center?

A small galaxy with those characteristics would be a dwarf elliptical galaxy, such as M32 (a companion to Andromeda). Most elliptical galaxies are larger than average galaxies, and some are among the largest, containing as many as a trillion (1012) stars.Elliptical galaxies generally have few young stars and more dust when compared to spiral galaxies such as the Milky Way or Andromeda.

Which of these items is a key assumption in your most successful models for galaxy formation?

One key assumption in models for galaxy formation is the presence of dark matter, which is thought to provide the gravitational framework for the collapse and formation of galaxies. Another important assumption is the role of gas cooling and condensation in forming stars within galaxies. Finally, feedback processes, where the energy and material released from star formation and black holes influence galaxy evolution, are also crucial in these models.

What do you do after you finish loopdeeloop on super mairo galaxy?

get a wonderful star for you're troubles and for getting "first place" and then you get to dread Loopdyswoop galaxy.

Why is galactic disk called the active part of milky way?

Because it's within this area that most star formation takes place.