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Q: Where does a cherry blossom tree grow?
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Related questions

What do you need to grow a cheery blossom?

a cherry tree

Can you cherries from a cherry blossom tree?

No, cherry blossoms are different from the fruit-producing cherry tree. Cherry blossom trees produce flowers only, which eventually turn into small cherry fruits after fertilization.

What name has the meaning cherry blossom?

In Japanese Sakura means "cherry tree or cherry blossom".

What is the life cycle of the cherry blossom?

A cherry blossom tree lives for about twenty years.

What blossom tree is Japan's symbol for spring?

The Cherry Blossom.

Is a cherry blossom and plum blossom the same?

Cherry blossoms are the flowers of cherry trees. The trees bloom in the spring and produce their fruit later in the season.

What environment to cherry blossom trees grow in?

Cherry Blossoms are some of the most beautiful flowers, coming in bright colors. The Cherry Blossom tree in full bloom, during the arrival of spring, is one of the most beautiful sights to behold.The Cherry Blossom is so popular that festivals are celebrated in its honor- the Cherry Blossom Festival, celebrated in the months of March and April.

Famous tree in Japan?

The sakura tree (Cherry blossom Tree). The chrysanthemum is the official flower of the Emperor and is on most official seals. However, the cherry blossom is much more abundant. There are may cherry blossom festivals throughout Japan. There is even a cherry blossom festival in Washington, D.C. on the banks of the Potomac River. Japan presented the U.S. with hundreds of cherry trees and they were planted there as a friendship gesture.

How come a cherry tree don't blossom?

Cherry trees do blossom, and the flowers smell and look great!

What is the Chinese translation for 'cherry blossom tree'?

The translation for 'cherry blossom tree' in Chinese is '樱花树' or 'ying hua shu'.

Where do cherry blossom trees grow?

They will when mature and planted with a tree that can pollinate it . There are some ornamental varieties that are deliberately kept fruitless.

How tall does a cherry blossom tree get?
