

Where does English gravy come from?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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8y ago

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Not sure there is any one country that can claim gravy, as most countries have their own versions of sauces and "gravies", which have no specific pre-history.

Greece and Italy make red (tomato) gravies and white (cream) gravies or sauces.

France is one of the countries with a master sauce making heritage, as do Belgium, Holland and Germany. China and Indochina (Southeast Asia) has bean, fish, soy, oyster, mushroom, etc. sauces some of which are thick enough to be classed as gravies. And Eastern European countries have their own Sauces and Gravies many which incorporate local products, such as butter and sourcream, onions and mushrooms. Many countries I haven't mentioned have their own traditional sauces.

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de la sauce (fem.)

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yes, don't eat it and then its healthy... come on dude, if you can read, then read what is in gravy before asking such a silly dang question.

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Any meat you choose; Beef, Chicken, Lamb, Fish

What is the word 'gravy' when translated from English to Spanish?

salsa Note: Salsa is known in the US as the word for a red spicy sauce, but in Spanish it means ANY kind of sauce, including gravy. salsa de carne