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Q: Where do you shoot the bottle of wine on SOS?
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How do you save the first person in SOS island?

you go in the ballroom and get the bottle by the bar and shoot the to tanks

How do you rescue the girl in the ballroom in SOS island?

The girl is the tourist she is on the chandelier get the bottle that is shining. Use it to shoot the two cracked windows then push her to the door.

What do you do with the bottle on SOS island?

You shoot the cap to make the water come out of the glss things on the side and that makes the water rise

How long does a open bottle of wine last if you put a spoon in it?

A bottle of an opened white wine is OK for about a week. A bottle of an opened red wine can last about a month. How do you put a spoon in a wine bottle?

How do you save the person in the ballroom on SOS island?

well first you have to get a soft drink bottle. Then shoot at the cracks in the indow so you can reach her. then push her off the chanderlier the push her out of the ship. Finished. You saved her. :)

Who sings the lyrics Sending out an SOS?

A possibility:"Sending out an SOS" is a repeating line in the Police song "Message In A Bottle."

How much ethanol is in a typical bottle of wine?

A typical bottle of wine is about 10% alcohol. There are different types of wine with all different amounts of ethanol, but a typical bottle of wine is 10% alcohol.

How many Weight Watchers points is a bottle of rose wine?

Bottle of rose wine

Can the alcohol in a wine bottle separate from the wine?


How many 750 bottle of wine equals a 1.5 bottle?

2 x 750ml of wine is egual to 1.5ml of wine.

What is a wine serving bottle called?

Decanter or carafe

Standard drinks in a bottle of wine?

There are five standard servings of wine in a bottle (750 ml) of wine.