

Where do unicorns sleep?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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13y ago

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In Japan, of course!

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Q: Where do unicorns sleep?
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You see unicorns in your sleep?

The unicorns in your dream represent something that has a particular meaning to you. Among other things, unicorns might symbolize joy, fantasy, creativity or innocence. Exactly what they represent in your dream depends on what you felt during the dream (wonder? joy? fear?) and what the unicorns do in the dream. For example, they might represent happiness; if they run away, that would mean that you feel as if you cannot hold onto happiness. On the other hand, if the unicorns allow you to ride them, that would suggest that you feel that you have achieved happiness.

What do you call a flock of unicorns?

A group of unicorns is called a blessing of unicorns.

What is group of unicorns called?

As there is no such thing as unicorns there is no word for a group of unicorns is nathan

What is the life cycle of a unicorns?

Waking up, farting rainbows, putting a pot of gold at the end, placing leprahchans around it and going back to sleep

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Are there unicorns in England?

There aren't unicorns anywhere.

What do you think of unicorns?

unicorns are my life . <3

Do unicorns like bacon?

No unicorns are herbivores

Why did the unicorns and lions fight?

Unicorns are mythological.

When did The Unicorns end?

The Unicorns ended in 2004.

How did unicorns became alive?

Unicorns do not exist.

Dude is it me or are there unicorns flying around being all majestic and what not?

Unicorns do not have wings. Unicorns do not fly.