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They are a Pelagic fish that roam the oceans.

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13y ago

tuna fish are mostly found in the meditarean sea, and Atlantic ocean

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near the Atlantic and can live up to 30 years old.

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15y ago

In the oceans of the world.

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on the coastline

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worldwide in tropical and warm water

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Q: Where do tuna live in the ocean?
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Which ocean life zones do tuna live?

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The Ocean

What zone do tuna live in?

Tuna are exclusively marine (saltwater) fish. They live in the ocean.

What body of water blue fin tuna live in?

It depends on which kind of Bluefin Tuna you are referring to. Southern Bluefin Tuna live in Southern hemisphere waters of all the oceans. Pacific Bluefin Tuna live in the Northern Pacific Ocean. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna live in the Eastern and Western Atlantic Ocean as well as a parts of the Mediterranean sea. Longtail Tuna live in the Indo-West Pacific waters.

What is the most popular fish in the ocean?

They live in the Pacific Ocean.

Are Tuna considered marine fish?

Yes, Tuna Fish live in the ocean, a marine environment, and as such are classified as marine fish.

Do tuna live in the Mediterranean ocean?

yes they live in the mediterranean sea, because they like hot weather.

How many species of Bluefin tuna are there and where do they live?

There are three species of Bluefin tuna, Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern. The Atlantic Bluefin tuna lives in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific tuna lives in certain areas of the Pacific Ocean, and the Southern Bluefin tuna lives in the Coral Triangle in the southern hemisphere.

What fish live in the open ocean zone?

Many big fish live in the open ocean zone including dolphins, whales, sharks, and tuna. There are many other fish that live in the open ocean as well.

When was Historic Live Tuna created?

Historic Live Tuna was created in 1985.

What country do tuna come form?

Tuna is a fish it is mostly picked in the Atlantic ocean.

What ocean does tuna come?

Tuna are found in oceans all over the world, except waters in the polar regions.