The oil from thyme and other herbs come from their leaves. The leaves can be harvested through out the growing season.
Some recipes may call for ground thyme while others specify thyme leaves. Quite often, thyme leaves are fresher and have a stronger flavor.
Rubbed thyme is the same as plain thyme, which is a spice. * Rubbed thyme refers to the product of rubbing the thyme leaves into a fine powder, as opposed to leaving them whole.
rubbed thyme is rubbed down to a powder. dried thyme is the leaves dried out, without it being rubbed down to a powder.
Cover marrow with water, add a bundle of thyme and simmer until soft. Remove thyme and sieve marrow. Season to taste and serve with fresh thyme leaves sprinkled over.
Oregano, thyme, or parsley can be used as substitutes for basil leaves in a recipe.
Thyme is a herb that is a homophone of time. It is a fragrant herb commonly used in cooking and has small leaves on woody stems.
In my garden I have wooly thyme - medium grey green white flowers; lemon thyme - dark green leaves with lighter green edges, pinkish white flowers; English thyme - green and pink; silver thyme - dark green edged in white, purple flowers, and plain old garden thyme - just green, white flowers.
How big a sprig? You must be specific. But 1/2 tsp dry ground thyme = 1 tsp fresh thyme if that is any help. That's the leaves not including the stem.
With thyme one fresh sprig equals one-half teaspoon of dried thyme. In general, use two to three times the amount of fresh thyme as dried. When adding to soups and stews, crush the leaves between your hands before stirring it in your recipe.
cinnamon, oregano, pepper, salt, cloves, rosemary, basil, cumin, thyme, and bay leaves
Rubbed thyme is the same as plain thyme, which is a spice. * Rubbed thyme refers to the product of rubbing the thyme leaves into a fine powder, as opposed to leaving them whole.