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they hide under rocks so they can hide from predictor's like humans.

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Under rocks in lakes or streams.

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north american

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Q: Where do crayfish hide?
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Why does the crayfish hide after the molts?

because it has no protection left.

Why does a crayfish hide after it molts?

After it molts, a crayfish needs some time to grow a new and larger shell. During this time it has no shell to protect it from attack, therefore it hides.

How do crayfish protect it self?

crayfish protct there self they hide in the sand and they have a hard shell and claws so most animals don't mess with them because there to difficult to eat

Why does a crayfish hide after it molts its exoskeleton?

After shedding its exoskeleton, a crayfish hides because it becomes vulnerable to injury and attacks from predators. The crayfish sheds its exoskeleton when it needs to grow. It can take two to three days for a crayfish to re-grow a new and larger one.

Why does a crayfish have to hide when it molts?

The outer covering of a crayfish is it's protection. You may notice that the shell is very hard. This protects it from preditors, that is the reason it hides, to keep itself hidden from pretitores who might attack.

Can shrimp crabs and crayfish live together?

if its a young crayfish and a big cichlid itll eat the crayfish if the crayfish is a adult they will pick on each other as long as the cichlid isn't big enough to put the crayfish in its mouth and the cichlid isn't slow enough for a crayfish to catch

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What do crayfish need for a healthy habitat?

In the wild, you will find crayfish eating dead fish or shrimp as well as plant material. So if you are going to have them in captivity, it is best to feed them plants such as lettuce and of course you can use crayfish food. This consists of things like pellets of shrimp or even algae. They need places to hide, luek warm water, sand, rocks, shells, water, and food.

What do they call crayfish in Australia?

Crayfish are known as both crayfish and yabbies in Australia. "Yabbies" are freshwater crayfish, often found in rivers, creeks and dams in rural areas.

Is your crayfish dieing?

My older crayfish died and my littler crayfish has not yet how do/can they die?

What does the exoskeleton do in a crayfish?

protects the crayfish

Do crayfish have territories?

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