

Where do bile salts come from?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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12y ago

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The Bile Salts come from a very know area of China. They can be used for alot of things and are very useful.

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Q: Where do bile salts come from?
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What bile salts are in bile?

Bile contain many types of salts, generally sodium salts of steroid acids. See the link below.

What sort of chemical is the bile?

Bile is not a chemical, it is bile salts.

Do bile salts produce lipids?

No, bile salts emulsify lipids to aid in their digestion.

What is the most essential part of bile?

Bile salts

Name test for bile pigments and bile salts?

test for bile salts - Hay's sulphur powder test n test for bile pigments - fauchet's test

Why is bile important?

bile salts in bile speed up fat digestion

Diseases in which bile salts appear in urine?

If you think too much bile salts appear in the urine, if you're an a s s h o l e, then probably no bile salts will be there

Are phospholipids found in bile salts?

No, but phospholipids are found in bile (along with bile salts, water, cholesterol, bilirubin, and a small amount of other solutes)

What is effect of bile salts on cardiovascular system?

bile salts retained on heart causing bradycardia then heart block

What triggers the release of bile salts?

Bile salts are really necessary to break down fat into very small particles. No bile salts (after a gallbladder removal) and then eat a fatty meal, be ready to run to the bathroom!

Which organ secrets bile salts?

The liver secretes bile salts, which are then stored in the gallbladder before being released into the small intestine to aid in digestion and absorption of fats.

What is liver specialization?

liver is responsible for making bile . Bile is a greenish bitter digestive liquid that contains bile salts and bile pigments. Bile salts consist of death enthrocytes, RBC's- Biliverdin and Bilirubin. Bile pigments are responsible for the emulsification of fats.