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According The word 'Bagel' comes from (1919), from Yiddish beygl, from M.H.G. boug- "ring, bracelet," from O.H.G. boug, related to biogan "to bend" and O.E. beag "ring" (in poetry, an Anglo-Saxon lord was beaggifa "ring-giver"). The variety of bagel with onion flakes sprinkled on it is a bialy, short for Bialystok, city in Poland.

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13y ago

The word 'bagel' has been used in English since 1919; it came from the Yiddish beygl', from the German prefix 'boug-', meaning a ring-shape, which originated with Old High German 'boug' - a ring.

The term is related to the Old English word for ring: 'beag'. The original root for these words is an Indo-European base, '-bheug-', meaning (to) bend.

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12y ago

The word "bagel" is from Yiddish. It originally meant "ring, bracelet." Please see the related link below.

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