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Shorthorns originated on the northeastern coast of England in the counties of Northcumberland, Lincoln, Durham and York. The Shorthorn breed was though to have originated sometime in the late 16th century (with actual records in 1580 of a superior race of shorties that existed on the Yorkshire estates of Northcumberland). The first herd book of this breed wasn't published until 1822, when, before that, Robert Bakewell, the Colling Brothers, the Booth family, and Thomas Bates were involved in the breeding and improvement of this breed between the years 1730 and 1831.

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Q: Where did the shorthorn beef breed originate?
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What are shorthorn cattle?

A breed of english beef cattle that are usually red

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What would be the result of a cross between a red male and a white female?

I assume you are referring to the Shorthorn breed. A red Shorthorn bull bred to a white Shorthorn cow will produce a roan calf. The chance of this happening is 100% in this breed.

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British-type beef breeds.

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Angus, Hereford and Shorthorn.

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What is a beefmaster?

Beefmaster is a breed of cattle developed in the United States for beef production. They are known for their hardiness, fertility, and adaptability to various climates. Beefmasters typically have a mix of Brahman, Hereford, and Shorthorn genetics.

Is the milking shorthorn cow a purebred or hybrid?

Shorthorns are dual purposed animals, they can be used for both diary and beef production. The Milking Shorthorn is the dairy producer.