In-laws are family through marriage. For example, the mother of your husband or wife would be your mother in-law.
Two mother-in-laws call each other "daughter-in-law."
Mother-in-law's tongue plant (Sansevieria) rarely flowers indoors. To encourage blooming, provide bright, indirect light and ensure the plant isn't root-bound. A slight dry period before watering might also help trigger flowering.
Your Sister In Laws parents will be your Mother and Father In Law.
The plural is mothers-in-law. (not mother-in-laws)
Mother-in-Laws Just dont want to lose their sons. They think that their sons are the best thing on the planet and no girl is good enough for them(:
Because her daughter will already be like a miniature mother, with skills like that. But a mother likes to fuss over her son, cook tea, do his ironing etc but a daughter in law takes these roles from her.
The Mommies - 1993 The Mother of All In-Laws - 2.2 was released on: USA: 7 January 1995
New laws come about because there is a need for them. They are usually developed as the issue becomes a problem.
You wife's uncle or "uncle by marriage".