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Rhubarb has been used in China for thousands of years. There is also a variety along the banks of the Rover Volga known as Russian Rhubard. It arrived in Western Europe in the 17th Century and in America in the 1820's
Thought to be ab ancient plant from China

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11y ago
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12y ago

Rhubarb has been known in China for tousands of years. There is also a variety that grew on the banks of the River Volga, known as Russian Rhubarb. The plant slowly crossed Europe and arrived in England in the 17th Century and in America in the 1820's
Rhubarb (scientific name "rheum rhabarbarum") comes from China, where it was cultivated for thousands of years as a medicinal herb.

It slowly made its way to Europe via the Silk Road, first with a stop over the Volga river, where it was cultivated for a few centuries before moving further West.

The name of the genus, "rheum", and the first part of the name of the species, "rha", come straight from the Scythian name for the Volga river deity, "Rhā". The rest of the name of the species, "barbarum", indicates its Asian (Barbarian) origin.

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14y ago

Rhubarb has been cultivated in China for thousands of years. A plant has also grown wild along the banks of the River Volga and is known as Russian Rhubarb. The plant slowly crossed Europe and arrived in America in the 1820's

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11y ago

The plant was known in China some 1000 years ago

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11y ago

Rhubarb was available in China some 1000 years ago

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13y ago

I belive it was first founded in thw dark ages as a way as treating blindness, and i think it was founded up in Spain then became a popular dessert arcoss the UK after the Spanish armada

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17y ago

The rhubarb plant originates from Asia.

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