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In Quebec City, 1608.

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Q: Where did Champlain finally establish a colony?
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What colony did Champlain establish?


What colony did Samuel Champlain establish?


Where did Champlain finally esrablish a colony?

Samuel de Champlain finally established a French colony in Quebec City, Canada, in 1608. He founded what would become known as New France.

Why did Champlain divide the colony in 1612?

When Champlain became Lieutenant govenor he still hoped to establish a permanent colony in New France. The fur trade company did not want settlers, so Champlain had the colony divided into two rgions.

Why did Samuel Champlain divide the colony in 1612?

When Champlain became Lieutenant Governor he still hoped to establish a permanent colony in New France. The fur trade company did not want settlers, so Champlain had the colony divided into two region's.

Where did Chaplain finally establish a colony?


What river did Samuel de Champlain sail up to establish a colony at Quebec?

In 1608, Samuel de Champlain started a French colony on the banks of the St. Lawrence River at Quebec.

Where did the Champlain finally established a colony?

Samuel de Champlain established a permanent French colony in Quebec City, Canada in 1608. This settlement later became the capital of New France.

What colony did Samuel de Champlain establish?

Samuel de Champlain established the colony of Quebec in New France in 1608. He played a significant role in the early exploration and settlement of Canada.

Where did Samuel de Champlain establish his 1608 colony?

Samuel de Champlain established his colony in 1608 at Quebec City, which is located in present-day Canada. This settlement marked the beginning of the French colonization of North America.

Where did Champlain family establish a colony?

The Champlain family established a French colony in North America called Quebec in 1608. This settlement is now known as Quebec City and is located in present-day Canada. Samuel de Champlain played a significant role in the early exploration and colonization of the region.

Who financed Samuel Champlain's voyage?

He began his journeys in 1603. Financed by King Louis XIII, he was sent to Canada in order to establish a colony and establish a fur trade.