

Where can you get cabbage juice?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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11y ago

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from a cabbage

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Q: Where can you get cabbage juice?
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Cabbage juice is a?

...indicator. (Or, the juice of a cabbage. :) )

Were can you get cabbage juice?

From a cabbage!(:

How do you make purple cabbage juice?

There is no such thing as purple cabbage juice because red cabbage juice is actually already purple, its just called red cabbage jucie.

What color does cabbage juice change to when sprite is added?

When adding tomato juice to cabbage juice, the cabbage juice turns redish

What color does red cabbage juice turn salt when added?

no it reacts only with rainbow cabbage juice and not red

What chemical in cabbage juice?

For the composition of cabbage see the link below.

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What chemical is in cabbage juice?

For the chemical composition of cabbage see the link below.

What happens when sodium hydroxide is added to red cabbage juice?

When sodium hydroxide is added to red cabbage juice, the cabbage juice will change color. The cabbage indicator will turn from red/pink to blue/purple because sodium hydroxide is a strong base, causing a shift in the pH of the solution. This color change is due to the anthocyanin molecules in the red cabbage juice reacting with the change in acidity.

What could you use insted of cabbage juice to make a acid?

wut u can use instead of cabbage juice to make a acid iz to use tomato juice carrot juice a apple juice and basicly judt fruit and vegie juice

Why might red cabbage juice be a different color in vinegar than in baking soda?

Red cabbage juice is a natural pH indicator that changes color based on the acidity or alkalinity of the solution. In vinegar, which is acidic, the cabbage juice turns red or pink. In baking soda, which is alkaline, the cabbage juice turns blue or green. This color change is due to the interaction between the pigment molecules in the cabbage juice and the different pH levels of the solutions.