The USDA no longer approves the use of lime in canning. It was thought that lime made pickles crisper, however frequently botulism occurred in many pickles processed with lime so it is not to be used. Follow a recent recipe for pickles that does not call for lime. Refer to the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) website, it is an excellent source for current research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation and includes many tested recipes.
slack lime consists of calcium(Ca) and hydroxide ion(OH ).It's formula is Ca(OH)2.
at level 10 you can buy a lime tree
You can buy fresh lime juice at most grocery stores, farmers markets, or specialty food stores.
To revive Noir Lime you must buy and use Defilbrillator in your weapon shop to revive Noir Lime.
or u can just buy lime green paint
To make lime green with paint you take the base colour GREEN and mix it with white! Or you can buy lime green paint, junior! :P
Yes but you can only buy it from Japan
New Jersey
It won't work being too tight or too slack.
organisational slack
Garland Slack's birth name is Garland Glenwill Slack.
You can buy lime for your soil at garden centers, nurseries, home improvement stores, or online gardening stores. Make sure to choose the right type of lime (such as dolomitic or calcitic) based on your soil's specific needs.