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in seragoon north got one shop sell very small cute and cheap hermit crabs

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Q: Where can you buy a young hermit crab in Singapore?
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Where can you buy a hermit crab in Singapore?

in seragoon north got one shop sell very small cute and cheap hermit crabs

Where can you buy hermit crab food?

At the grocery store, you can get them fresh meat, fruits, veggies, seeds, and online you can get mixes like at the "hermit crab patch" and "the hermit crab addiction".

What do a hermit crab eat?

fruit,veggies and hermit crab food you can buy that from most pet stores they realy like mango ,oatmeal

Why do you think the hermit crab was given it name?

The hermit crab was given their names because they live in a shell, alone. But hermit crabs are the very sosial and you should buy at least 3 hermit crabs.

Where should I buy hermit crab shells?

at least 3

How do you entertain your hermit crab?

Let your hermit crab craw on your shirt but hold your hands under just in case they fall. Build a park for your hermit crab. Pile books clothes and other things it can climb on. Let your hermit crab craw on your hand and when he or she gets to the edge turn your hand. That's great exercise for your hermit crab. Buy another hermit crab to play with yours and so your doesn't get lonely. Hope this helps. Search me on instagram as aidan312

Were can you get hermit crabs and hermit crab tanks?

You can buy hermit crabs at stores such as Petco. They have many hermit crabs things to meet your needs.

What hermit crab' eat?

mostly rats, seagulls, and even hermit crabs can eat their own kind! They can get eatain also by other sea qritters like the yellowfin tunaand some times eaven turtles

What type of land crabs are best to buy?

* It's best to buy a hermit crab with a natural shell rather than a painted one if possible. The paint from hermit crab shells often flakes off over time and can be eaten by the crab. The paint flakes can also find their way inside the shell and can irritate the crab's skin. Some crabs have even had paint flakes puncture their skin. * Before a hermit crab is brought home, all of the necessary hermit crab care items should also be bought if the pet owner doesn't already have them. These include several hermit crab shells of various sizes, a sponge for his water, hermit crab food and a large enough cage to house the crab and all of his supplies. == == anymore questions?? contact me at

If you get pinched by a land hermit crab what do you do?

If he's cute, I let him buy me a drink. If not, I slap him.

Does petco have hermit crabs?

Yes. Petco has hermit crabs. I currently have a hermit crab from petco. But if you buy one get more than one because they are happier together.

Where can you get hermit crab food?

You can get hermit crab food at petstores.