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You are acting like an autotroph!!

I love poop

my boyfriend thinks it is hot


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Q: When you eat salad are you acting like an autotroph?
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When you eat lettuce you are acting as a?

A person who likes to eat salad, although some may say you are acting like a rabbit.

How do you eat arugula?

raw, like in a salad.

Is a garter snake an autotroph?

No. An autotroph is an organism that makes its own food. Animals like snakes must eat, so they are heterotrophs. Plants are autotrophs.

When will salad eat everything?

The Attack So like there was a turkey and salad ate it and then it ended.

How come if you eat salad it always tastes like salad when you burp even when you eat something else right after?

because when you burp the gas (the little air bubbles form the digestion of your salad) since the salad was digested to form the "burp" it tastes like it. same like cereal or any other food.

What do athletes eat for afternoon snack?

small turkey with salad like cucumber lettuce and tomatoes with some pasta salad

Is a tulip autotroph or hetertroph?

it's an autotroph because autotrophs don't consume other animals or things in order to get energy, and a rose bush does not eat anything, but gets energy in the form of ATP.

What do girls the age of 12 to 13 like to eat?

I'm thirteen, and I like popcorn and salad

Do snails like wood?

Snails eat anything that u put in salad

Do dogs eat salad?

Dogs don't eat salad, but they do eat fruit just not grapes

Is a fat dormouse a heterotroph or a autotroph?

An autotroph is an animal that produces food from chemicals using some form of ambient energy, like sunlight. Heterotrophs are organisms that must eat for energy. Dormice eat, and thus are heterotrophs. It makes no difference whether the dormouse is fat or thin.

How much salad should 1 person eat per day?

I eat approximately 8 ounces of salad every day. I make many different salads and like them all.