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Goldfish are not born as such. They develop (hatch out) from adhesive eggs (ova) that have been scattered by the female and fertilised by the male amongst water plants near the surface of the water. After successfull fertilization, depending on water temperature, the ova can take anywhere from 36 to 72 hours to develop into wriggling fry.

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14y ago

Goldfish do not have physical contact type mating as mammals do. When conditions are perfect for breeding, the male goldfish chases the female goldfish and they go into what appears to be a "frenzy". At this stage, she sprays her sticky ova (eggs) all over the plants and shallow areas of their pond (aquarium) where they stick and are fertilized by the milt (sperm) that is sprayed by the male goldfish. Then if the fish are not separated from the eggs the fish will eat them.

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Goldfish reproduction does not, at any stage, involve pregnancy.

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Q: When will a female goldfish lay eggs after it mates?
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Do goldfishes lay eggs?

Yes, female goldfish lay eggs which are fertilized by the cloud of milt that a male goldfish, if present, releases shortly afterward.yes they do when they mate

How will you know if your fantail goldfish is pregnant?

Female Fantail goldfish can not get pregnant they lay/scatter eggs when they are chased by males . So you have nothing to worry about.

Does a goldfish lays eggs?

Goldfish do lay eggs. The eggs will attach to something in the tank or bowl until they hatch.

Does goldfish lay eggs?

yes cause they are animals not mammals Yes, goldfish do lay eggs. They will typically breed after a significant temperature change in the water - usually in the spring. The eggs are adhesive and will attach themselves to aquatic surfaces and vegetation. The eggs will hatch and the fry will emerge within 2 - 3 days.

Why is your goldfish so fat he or she is ready to burst?

It is physically impossible for a goldfish to burst on their own. It may be a female who is about to lay some eggs.

Does goldfish lay eggs or live birth?

If there is a male & female together in a tank, the male will chase the female poking his head against her side & belly to get her to release eggs. If she does, he will then release what is called milt in an attempt to fertilize the eggs.Then the breeder will remove the eggs from the tank into a shallow container and care for the eggs until fry are born which are cared for until they are big enough for a regular tank.

After a green tree frog mates when will she lay her eggs same day or next?

Frogs lay their eggs as they mate. The female releases her eggs and the male sprays his sperm over them at the same time.

How long does a female common goldfish stay expectant?

Goldfish lay eggs which are fertilized and develop outside of their bodies so they are never really pregnant. If you mean that a goldfish is looking pregnant than it is either very sick or filling with eggs. She will soon lay her eggs and if no further action is taken she will then enjoy eating them.

How do goldfish lay eggs?

A gold fish lay eggs by when they are spawning and the male puts the milt in the girl goldfish the female goldfish would get eggs and she will lay them over the tank and the male will spray his milt over the eggs and then you have to ether move the parents and the others or you can remve the eggs ... hope this helped you peace duces

How do you tell if your tropical goldfish is an male or female?

There is very little sexual dimorphism between male and female goldfish. Male goldfish are generally more slender, because they lack ovaries. Female goldfish may have swollen abdomens. Unless you are a professional, it is not advised to breed goldfish at home, because they cannot lay their eggs due to selective breeding. The eggs must be squeezed out of the female, when they are ready.

When will a goldfish lay eggs?

when you get it a mate.

Can a goldfish lay eggs?

Yes. Laying eggs is how they reproduce.