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The Roman Empire had a very large industry making fish tanks, before that, the Chinese had been raising fish in holding tanks for about a thousand years. Before that, people were probably building fish tanks since before we understood how to make fire.

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12y ago

Asalam .. 👍👍👀👀👀Basically there are kept nin fish tanks but the fish tanks HAVE to stink soo that fish can adapt to the environment :) I hope this helped ....

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Q: When were fish first kept in tanks?
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What is a fish farm?

A fish farm is a place where fish are kept in ponds and tanks and are used for breeding.

Where are fish kept?

Fish are typically kept in aquariums or fish tanks. These containers are designed to provide the necessary environment for fish to thrive, including appropriate water conditions, filtration, and space to swim. Some fish are also kept in outdoor ponds or bodies of water.

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Floran fish can not live with many other types of fish. They are highly aggressive and should be kept in species-specific tanks with their own kind.

When were fish tanks discovered?

Fish tanks were not 'discovered' they were invented.

Can guppies live without an air pump?

No. Cichlids are not fish for beginners and they are not suitable for bowls or small, unfiltered tanks. They are demanding, need good food, and most grow extremely large, with a cichlid considered small if it does not reach more than 8 inches - 12 inches is not an uncommon size for many species in captivity. Fish this large cannot be kept in small tanks - the myth that they will not outgrow their tanks is blatantly false, and they suffer terribly if kept in inadequate tanks. Large fish produce a lot of waste and need good filtration - they simply must be kept in large, well filtered tanks.

Is a marine fish tanks different to tropical fish tanks?

yes it is

Will a zebra fish eat a beta fish's fins?

It is possible for a zebrafish to nip at a betta fish's fins, especially if there is aggression or territorial behavior. It is not recommended to house these species together due to the risk of fin nipping and stress for the betta fish. It is best to keep them in separate tanks to ensure their well-being.

What is the best fish for a small aquarium?

A dozen tetras would do well in a small fish tank.Betta Fish would also do great in smaller tanks but should be kept alone without any other fish in the tank(unless the other fish is one of the few that get along with Bettas). Goldfish do not do well in smaller fish tanks because they are very dirty fish that need a lot of filtration and room to swim.

Is dolphinshark real?

There is a fish known as the Peruvian Blue Whale which is sometimes called a dophinshark. The real name is Cetopsis coecutiens. This fish can be kept in tanks and is about 10 inches long when fully grown.

What is the temperature of an angelfish?

47 degrees Celsius ************************************************ Addition note: As with most tropical fish kept in tanks, a temperature range: 75 to 80 °F (24 to 27 °C is usual. Though I kept my tropical fish slightly lower at 70 °F minimum.

What tanks do homeowners in some communities use?

fish tanks

Is fish hooks smelly?

it is the same as fish tanks