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it was made is 100 B.C.

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Q: When was magnetic levitation discovered?
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Related questions

Abbreviation for magnetic levitation?

The abbreviation for magnetic levitation is Maglev.

Where do you apply magnetic levitation property?

Magnetic levitation is commonly used in applications such as high-speed trains (maglev trains) for frictionless transportation, in magnetic bearings for rotating machinery to reduce mechanical wear, in magnetic levitation displays for novelty and advertising purposes, and in magnetic levitation transportation systems for amusement park rides.

What does maglev refer to?

MAGnetic LEVitation

What does mag-lev mean?

Magnetic Levitation.

1 What does Maglev stand for?

Magnetic levitation.

What are the benefits of the magnetic levitation train?

The benefits of tg

Advantages of magnetic levitation?

Advantages of magnetic levitation for haptic interaction are:6-DOF motion with one moving partNoncontact actuation and sensingHigh control bandwidthsPosition resolution and sensitivity

Rising into the air means what in the magnetic field?

Rising into the air in a magnetic field typically refers to a magnetic field pushing against a conducting object, causing it to hover or levitate. This phenomenon is known as magnetic levitation, where the repulsion between the magnetic field and the object allows it to float above the surface.

How is magnetic levitation used by magician?

Magicians use magnetic levitation in illusions by hiding strong magnets in objects or clothing to create the appearance of objects floating in the air. By controlling the magnetic fields, magicians can simulate the effect of levitation without any visible support. This technique adds mystery and wonder to their performances, creating a sense of magic.

Is levitation a pseudoscience?

Levitation as commonly portrayed in fiction or magic shows is not scientifically supported and is considered pseudoscience. In real-world terms, levitation of objects using magnetic fields (diamagnetic levitation) has been achieved in laboratory settings, but levitation of humans remains an unproven and unrealistic concept.

Will magnetic levitation science project work?

Yes, a magnetic levitation science project can work if the necessary materials and equipment are properly set up. It involves using magnets to create a repelling force that allows an object to hover above a surface. With careful construction and alignment of the magnets, you can achieve a successful demonstration of magnetic levitation.

What other ways could maglev be used as?

This cannot be answered in the way it was asked. Maglev refers to magnetic levitation trains. This is limited to passenger trains. There are many systems in use on a maglev train system, not simply magnetic levitation - the magnetic levitation is in use in other systems, such as manufacturing, and has even been examined as a part of launching space vehicles, but is not referred to as "maglev".