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Lots of colours flowing, weird thoughts, things moving that shouldn't, sometimes actual objects that arn't there, and heavy paranoia

honestly just mind**** like stuff that shouldn't be there and everything is HD

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12y ago
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13y ago

I is funny.


Your insides churn up a bit and you start flying to magic island -nods head- happens every time. =D

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11y ago

Magic mushrooms refer to the psychotropic fungus which contains psilocybin. People using this lose sense of time and feel that time has sped up, slowed down or even stopped completely.

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Q: When someone is tripping on magic mushrooms what do they normally experience?
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What does it mean if your tripping?

If you are "tripping," it typically refers to experiencing visual or sensory distortions as a result of taking psychedelic drugs like LSD or magic mushrooms. It can include altered perceptions of reality, vivid hallucinations, and changes in thoughts and emotions. It is important to remember that tripping can have unpredictable effects and may not be a positive or safe experience for everyone.

How does someone get off magic mushrooms?

The time of your life

Do people remember trips that you go on from drugs?

Yes, in general people remember their trips from most drugs, though it may be impossible for them to fully describe their experience once the trip ends. You can't really tell someone what tripping on a hallucinogen is like, because the only way to really understand it is to experience it.

What is the metal piece on the circuit breaker preventing it from tripping?

A circuit breaker is designed so that it will trip when the electric current is too high. That is the purpose of a circuit breaker. If there is a metal piece on the circuit breaker that prevents it from tripping, it is useless. Perhaps someone has altered it.

Do Mushrooms seep through your pores like acid can you cause someone else to trip?

No, mushrooms do not seep through your pores like acid. The hallucinogenic effects of mushrooms come from ingesting or consuming them, not through skin contact. It is highly unlikely that someone else could trip from contact with your skin if you have taken mushrooms.

What gender uses magic mushrooms?

This is not a gender specific issue and if someone is using them they can be either gender.

In the alchemist what is principle of favorability?

It's beginner's luck. When someone with little experience in something performs something better than they're experience would normally allow. For instance, a novice golfer scoring less than 100 on one of their first games.

What is tripping in basketball called?

When someone gets called for tripping in hockey, you will see two things: either they used there stick and the person fall because the stick was in their way or the person stuck out there foot and sent the person flying. Usually you will see the first one. Tripping in hockey is awarded two minutes in the penalty box.

What does sales experience mean?

Someone with sales experience is someone who has been successful in the past in functions that involve selling things.

Can you trip acid by making out with someone who is tripping on acid?

No, you cannot trip on acid by making out with someone who is tripping on acid. The drug needs to be ingested or absorbed for it to take effect. Sharing bodily fluids like saliva doesn't transmit LSD to another person.

What are possible safety concerns with magic mushrooms?

Possible safety concerns with magic mushrooms include the risk of consuming a toxic or misidentified species, the potential for accidental ingestion of a poisonous mushroom, and the risk of experiencing a bad trip or psychological distress due to the hallucinogenic effects. Additionally, individuals with underlying mental health conditions or a history of psychosis should use caution when using magic mushrooms as it may exacerbate these conditions.

Could someone explain to me WHY mushrooms belong in the fungi kingdom?

Mushrooms belong in the fungi kingdom because they are not plants, animals, or bacteria. Instead, they are heterotrophic organisms that obtain nutrients through external digestion and absorption, similar to other fungi. Mushrooms also reproduce through spores, further distinguishing them as a member of the fungi kingdom.