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It is not possible to remove salt once it is combined in a mix. The most reasonable thing to do with pancake mix that is too salty is to dispose of it, then make or buy a different mix. If for some reason the salty mix must be used, you can increase the volume of the recipe by adding proportional amounts of all the ingredients except salt.

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12y ago

Add more mix! :D

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Q: When pancake mix is too salty what do you do?
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Can you still buy snackery pancake mix?

You get pancake mix from a supermarket.

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Makes the mix fluffy and allows the pancake to rise

What do you do when you add too much salt to salsa?

If you have more salsa, you can add it to the salty mix.

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Pancake are called Crêpes or galettes in French. the crêpes are sweet, the galettes are moslty salty things.

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As far as I know, Australia did sell pancake mix, that did have a picture of Harry Potter on the front and came with 'collector cards'. However I am not sure if they still sell the pancake mix.

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Yes, you can add flour to pancake mix if you don't have enough. You may also need to add more of the other ingredients to balance the pancake batter.

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Can you make blackberry cobbler using pancake mix?

you can but te you can't make the right cookies because you use the pancake mix.

What is the first ready-mix food to be sold commercially?

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Is pancake mix a solution?

Yes it is a solution