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Mangoes were first discovered in northeastern India, also in Bangladesh and Myanmar.

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Q: When mangoes were discovered what country were they discovered in?
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Which country produces the most mangoes?


Which country produce largest amount of mangoes?


Which country did mangoes come from?

The Mango originated on the Indian Subcontinent.

Which country produces nearly half of the worlds mangoes?

India does.....

What Latin American Country exports the most mangoes to the US?

Mexico does.

How were mangoes discovered?

mangoes come from Mexico guadalajara jalisco the history behind mangoes is that martin jajreas discovered a tree planted in half Mexico and discovered that they were mangoes but the name wasnt mangoe for them it was manjarera and in English iit was mangues and in french it was mango

Plural of mango?

It is mangoes in British English.

Mangoes are sweet change to passive?

Mangoes are sweet when they are tasted.

Is mangoes a word?

No. Mangoes is not a compound word.

Why are mangoes called mangoes?

its a Portuguese word Manga.

Where are mangoes exported?

no where mangoes dont exist its mangos

A man has 2 times as many mangoes as his neighbor Together they have 12 mangoes How many mangoes does the neighbor have?