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In a mild climate, carrots are sown anytime except late autumn and winter.

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Q: When is the best time to plant carrots?
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Related questions

What kind of plant are carrots?

Carrots are dicotyledonous

How do you stop gnomes from stealing your carrots?

Plant more carrots.

Carrots are examples of what kind of plant?

A root plant.

Can you grow carrots this time of year?

Carrots are usually grown in the Autumn-Summer season. Very rare in Winter time, and found in Spring, but not at best form.

Where do carrots grow in the US?

Carrots grow under the ground, they are a root plant...

When to plant carrots in so Calif?

when do you plant carrotts in California

When is the best time to plant kiwi?

The best time to plant them is in the beginning of April, before the 10th.

What part of the plant are carrot s?

Carrots are very unique vegetables. Carrots represent the root of the entire plant and the green top is actually the plant.

Vegetables that grow on a plant?

Carrots grow on a plant and so do tomatoes.

When is the best time to plant gardenia bushes?

i think the best time to plant them is around November to give them time to grow

How to plan carrotes?

I mean how to plant carrots?

Are carrots protein?

No carrots are not proteins. It is a root of a plant, that are edible. The protein content of carrot is approximately 1 g per 100 g of carrot. Carbohydrate content is 10 time more than proteins.Vitamin A and mineral salts are rich in carrots.